Topic Page

Gary Schnitkey

Crop tours: Useful on prospects, iffy on yields

Crop tours generate a lot of attention with their estimates of crop yields or output but the organizers often say little about the level of accuracy they represent.

Payment limits and the 2014 farm law

Growers are more likely to hit the statutory limit on crop subsidies if they choose the Price Loss Coverage option rather than the Agriculture Risk Coverage option, say economists Jonathan Coppess, Gary Schnittkey and Nick Paulson of U-Illinois.

On the horizon, a period of stable farmland prices?

Farmland values soared during the agricultural boom that began in 2006, fueled by high commodity prices and low interest rates that made it easier to buy land.

House hearing looks at rural credit as ag markets tighten

Private and public lenders are scheduled to testify on availability in rural America at a House Agriculture subcommittee hearing.