food technology
Diners say cell-culture poultry tastes like chicken
A San Francisco Bay-area food technology company served its test-tube chicken strips, grown from self-reproducing cells, to a handful of taste-testers, says the Wall Street Journal, "and the product tasted pretty much like chicken, according to people who were offered samples." The debut of Memphis Meat was the latest advance of "clean meat."
Bayer, DuPont join ag-tech investment boom
Two of the largest seed and agricultural chemical companies in the world, DuPont and Bayer, are among five partners in a $15 million accelerator fund to back early-stage agricultural technology companies, says Reuters. The new fund, called Radicle, joins a crowd of investors "hoping to profit from ever more sophisticated tools in the food supply chain, from plant genomics and seed traits, to drones and weather sensors for crops," it said.
Know your food, know your farmer via an app
The Great Basin Food Co-op lets shoppers see the farmers behind the food sold at the store in Reno, Nevada, through 75-second videos available via a smartphone app, says Modern Farmer.
Dining today on the food of the future
Throughout the industrialized world, citizens are "the beneficiaries of food production technologies – and a wealth of delicious and formerly exotic ingredients – our ancestors could only dream about," says the NPR blog The Salt.