food supply
USDA: Slow growth, low commodity prices in coming years

Corn, wheat and soybean prices soared to record season-average prices during the 2012 drought and plummeted in following years under the weight of mammoth harvests. The USDA says low prices will continue for years, a reflection of slow U.S. and world economic growth and large food supplies.
Dining today on the food of the future
Throughout the industrialized world, citizens are "the beneficiaries of food production technologies – and a wealth of delicious and formerly exotic ingredients – our ancestors could only dream about," says the NPR blog The Salt.
Prolific wheat breeder is named AAAS Fellow
Ravi Singh, a world expert in wheat, has been named a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in recognition of his work on wheat genetics, pathology and breeding, says the international research center where he works. The awards will be announced formally in the journal Science at the end of this week.
Marginal shift toward corn likely in 2016
Persistently low commodity prices "might result in a marginal increase in corn acreage and a marginal decrease in soybean acreage in the coming year, said economist Darrel Good of U-Illinois.
Climate change “to undermine food security” – UN panel
A UN-backed panel of experts, the International Panel on Climate Change, says climate change "is projected to undermine food security" from mid-century and beyond.