farm income
Vilsack: Financial stress on the rise as farm income falls

Despite the strong foundation of the farm sector, "it is clear financial stress is increasing and some producers are more exposed to financial risk," said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack in Senate testimony that balanced concern with falling farm income with a valedictory list of the administration's eight-year record in agriculture.
As farm income slumps, debate over the future

If there was any doubt, the agricultural boom ended in red ink for relatively large-scale Illinois farmers last year — an average loss of $2,971 per farm just one year after they notched a net farm income of $107,290, say three University of Illinois economists. Low crop prices were the culprit in Illinois, and across the nation, with comparatively low farm income expected for several years to come.
Ag crisis is on the horizon unless farm economy improves

U.S. farm income is down sharply from the records set in 2013, with little improvement forecast in the near term. "If something doesn't change between now and 2018, we will be in a big crisis," said Zippy Duvall, president of the largest U.S. farm group, during a luncheon session with reporters, referring to the target date for Congress to overhaul farm policy law.
Warning signs, although farm sector finances are relatively strong

After a review of farm-sector financial indicators, economist Brent Gloy says, "Caution going forward would be appropriate," particularly for operators who are borrowing money. The commonly used debt-to-asset ratio is low, Gloy writes at the Agricultural Economic Insights blog a day before USDA updates its farm-income forecast, but lesser-known yardsticks, such as the debt-service ratio and times-interest-earned ratio "indicate that financial conditions are as poor as any seen for some time."
A softer landing for producers after ag boom collapses

U.S. farm income will fall for the third year in a row, said the Agriculture Department, but the impact is not expected to be as severe as feared at the start of the year. In a tri-annual forecast, the USDA estimated net farm income — the net value of production — at $71.5 billion, much better than the $54.8 billion that it estimated in February although far below the record $123.8 billion of 2013 as the seven-year agricultural boom collapsed under the weight of large crops worldwide.
Will low commodity prices pull down farmland-rental rates?
The record-setting corn and soybean crops forecast by USDA — the latest in a string of bumper crops — will drive down commodity prices and put pressure on growers to cut their costs, says economist Gary Schnitkey of U-Illinois. Midwestern growers will lose money at current rental rates, says Schnitkey, and will not break even until rates drop by $50 an acre, or roughly one-fifth.
Fed banks report weak farm credit conditions
Agricultural credit conditions throughout the Tenth Federal Reserve District of western Missouri, Nebraska, Kansas, Oklahoma, Wyoming, Colorado and northern New Mexico continued to deteriorate in the second quarter of 2016, the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City reported, and bankers "expect farm income to remain weak in the third quarter."
Spending falls as U.S. farm income contracts
Farmers and ranchers slashed their production expenditures by nearly 9 percent last year, driven by the end of a seven-year agricultural boom and a collapse in farm income, said USDA. After falling by 54 percent since 2013, U.S. net farm income is forecast to stabilize this year with a small decline; cash expenses also are expected to contract slightly.
Farmers lean heavily on operating loans to offset weak cash flow

Persistently weak cash flow has prompted U.S. farmers and ranchers to borrow far more money in short-term operating loans than usual, said the Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank. Loan volume of around $55 billion was 50 percent above the 10-year average, said the bank, while the soft farm economy was pulling down farmland prices throughout the western Corn Belt and Plains.
Big crops and low prices for U.S. farmers … again

Once again, the United States — one of the agricultural giants of the world and the largest farm exporter — is awash in grain. Stockpiles of corn and soybeans are far larger than expected and the fall harvest could see record corn production and the third bumper soybean crop in a row.
NFU says farm economy is an ‘economic disaster’
In a call to public officials and candidates from the local office to the White House, the National Farmers Union urged "an increase in price supports or (an) economic disaster declaration" to boost federal support for ranchers and growers facing the third year of an income slump. It was the strongest statement yet by a farm organization about the collapse in commodity prices that began in 2014.
USDA to use discretionary funds to keep loan guarantees flowing
In order to meet stronger-than-expected demand, the USDA will tap a $500-million discretionary fund so it can continue to issue loan guarantees for farm ownership, reported Agri-Pulse. Congress allotted $2 billion for the guarantees for this fiscal year but sharply lower farm income has prompted banks to ask for more federal loan guarantees, said Agri-Pulse.
Big drops in farm income in Midwestern states
The USDA calculates that farm income fell 38 percent nationwide last year. For some of the nation's leading farm states, the drop was the largest in decades, such as the 80 percent drop in Nebraska, says Harvest Public Media.
Will the next farm bill ‘Make CRP great again’?

The Conservation Reserve, the largest U.S. land-idling program, has shrunk to its smallest size since the late 1980s, when it was only a couple of years old. With low commodity prices forecast for years into the future, putting a pinch on farm income, economist David Widmar says a proposal to expand the reserve, which pays landowners an annual rent in exchange for retiring fragile farmland for 10 years or longer, "is likely to capture broad political appeal."
Lower livestock prices darken expectations in farm country
Crop and livestock producers are less optimistic about the economic outlook for the farm sector, according to the Ag Economy Barometer sponsored by Purdue and the CME Group. The chief reason was a decline in cattle prices during May, said Purdue economist Jim Mintert.
Farmland rental rates in Iowa fall for third year in a row
Cash rental rates for corn and soybean land in Iowa are down a cumulative 14.7 percent since 2013, according to a survey by Iowa State University. The average rate for this year, $230 an acre, is down 6.5 percent from last year's $246 an acre.
Farmers tighten belts to endure low crop prices

Ag bankers across the Farm Belt expect the slump in farm income to persist through spring, with producers economizing on household spending and big-ticket purchases due to low commodity prices, according to reports by Federal Reserve banks in the Midwest and Plains.
Decline in rural population easing
The first-ever overall decline in the number of people living in rural America may be ending, says USDA, drawing on Census Bureau estimates of population by county.
House defeats Trump-backed government funding bill
One day after President-elect Donald Trump shot down a stopgap government funding bill, the House defeated a Trump-backed bill written by Republicans to keep the government running until March 14. The GOP bill included $31 billion to buffer the impact in rural America of natural disasters and lower farm income.