Hog producers worried about export markets
As trade relationships with China, Mexico, and Canada remain precarious, U.S. hog farmers are increasingly worried about the health of their export markets. Pork exports reached a peak of nearly $6 billion in 2017.
Commerce orders anti-dumping duties on biodiesel imports
Argentina has requested negotiations with the United States on a "suspension" agreement that would avoid imposition of stiff U.S. anti-dumping duties on its biodiesel exports, said the Commerce Department. The negotiations were announced at the same time the department ordered anti-dumping duties of up to 70 percent on the fuel.
Record ag imports from EU and record U.S. trade deficit, too
For nearly two decades, the United States has imported more agricultural products from Europe than it exports to the continent.
Vilsack: China to move quickly on GMO crops, beef imports
At annual U.S.-China trade talks, China "indicated today it would move quickly to review the 11 agricultural biotechnology events [GMO crop varieties] pending approval, and continue our dialogue on access for U.S. beef," said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack in a U.S. statement. "My hope is that over the next 30 to 60 days, these words are met with consistent action."
U.S. challenges Indonesia at WTO over food-import barriers
The United States and New Zealand asked the World Trade Organization to rule that Indonesia unfairly restricts imports of fruits, vegetables and animal products, based on regulations imposed in 2012.
Soybean inventory to balloon, corn stocks to contract a bit

The second mammoth soybean crop in two years will swell U.S. supply to its largest size in nine years, says the Agriculture Department in updated projections for this year's crops. The soybean stockpile, forecast for 385 million bushels when this year's crop is mature, is expected to grow by 12 percent, to 430 million bushels, by Sept. 1, 2016, despite record soybean exports, says the USDA. On the final day of its annual Outlook Forum, it projected...
U.S. challenges China over export subsidies
The United States initiated consultations at the World Trade Organization over China's export subsidy system, announced U.S. Trade Representative Michael Froman. Consultations are the first step at WTO.
Goodbye, DEIP and EEP
The government has erased from its books the regulations for two export subsidy programs, the Export Enhancement Program and Dairy Export Incentive Program, that were mothballed years ago.
Record US soy exports as world harvests biggest crop ever

U.S. soybean exports are headed for a record 1.76 billion bushels this marketing year although the world is flooded with the oilseed, said USDA. In its monthly WASDE report on crop output and usage around the world, USDA raised its export forecast by 40 million bushels, to 1.76 billion bushels, citing "the record export pace in weeks and prospects for additional sales and shipments ahead of the South American harvest."
USDA apportions $200 million for ag export promotion
The Agriculture Department distributed $200 million in cost-sharing funds to 84 organizations to promote U.S. farm exports and to build markets for the products overseas.
ADM sues Syngenta over rejected GE corn cargoes
ADM, the world's largest corn processor, sued Syngenta in state court in Louisiana over cargoes of corn rejected by China because they contained an unapproved Syngenta variety, said Bloomberg.
A farm export record and then a 5 percent slide
U.S. farm exports are headed for a record $152.5 billion in the fiscal year ending on Sept 30, says the Agriculture Department.