Doha Round
Conaway: Look for farm trade reforms outside Doha
The United States should work outside of the "failed construct" of the Doha Round negotiations if it wants to see freer trade in agriculture, said House Agriculture chairman Michael Conaway.
Conaway urges tougher enforcement of trade rules
Decrying "cheating by foreign countries," House Agriculture chairman Michael Conaway called for tougher action to protect U.S. exports. "Things must change. Our agreements must be enforced," said Conaway at a hearing on international trade as the World Trade Organization tries to wrap up the long-running Doha Round of negotiations.
New study says foreign subsidies crimp U.S. wheat exports
Farm subsidies in China, India, Brazil and Turkey cost U.S. wheat growers nearly $1 billion in revenue annually, says a study commissioned by two U.S. wheat groups.
Farm subsidies soar in developing countries, panel hears

Major agricultural countries in the developing world, such as China, India and Brazil, are increasing their farm subsidies and displacing U.S. ag exports on the world market, two trade analysts told the House Agriculture Committee. "The United States, as the biggest agricultural exporter, suffers most from these distortions," said Craig Thorn of DTB Associates. U.S. negotiators have raised the issue at WTO discussions.