Why is rural America Republican? Because Democrats live in town.
The most partisan members of the Republican and Democratic parties — the people who vote in primary elections — cluster in different parts of the country. Democrats live in cities and Republicans in rural areas, says the Daily Yonder.
Trump and Clinton camps agree: Keep food stamps in the farm bill

Donald Trump will not back a popular conservative proposal to split food stamps from the rest of the farm bill, said Sam Clovis, a senior advisor to the Republican presidential nominee. Speaking for Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, former deputy agriculture secretary Kathleen Merrigan said food stamps are a key element of farm bills and Clinton would oppose cuts to the premiere U.S. anti-hunger program.
Food movement group targets House ag appropriator
Founded four years ago as the first lobbying group for the food movement, Food Policy Action said it will work to defeat second-term Rep. David Valadao, a California republican and member of the House Appropriations subcommittee overseeing USDA and FDA funding.
Senate candidate voted against farm bill due to food stamps
The Republican nominee for Senate in Arkansas, Rep Tom Cotton, says in a campaign advertisement that he voted against the farm bill because it had "turned into a food stamp bill with billions (of dollars) more in spending," says the Associated Press. Cotton was the only Arkansas lawmaker to vote against the $500 billion, five-year farm bill. Democratic Sen Mark Pryor, chairman of the Appropriations subcommittee on agriculture, has criticized Cotton for the vote.
Majority of US House opposes new EPA water rule
Some 231 U.S. representatives, including 18 committee chairmen, signed a letter asking the Obama administration to withdraw a proposed rule on federal jurisdiction over waterways, says Drovers CattleNetwork.
Congress plans to do little in pre-election session
The House and Senate are scheduled to return to today with one major goal - passage of a short-term government funding bill for the fiscal year beginning Oct 1 or face a repeat of the shutdown of last October. Lawmakers are expected to pass legislation to fund the government until early December before leaving, possibly as early as next Friday, to campaign for re-election.
Tougher re-election race for Sen Roberts in Kansas

Pat Roberts, a senior Republican on the Senate Agriculture Committee, won his third term with 60 percent of the vote but faces a more rugged political landscape this time. Sabato's Crystal Ball rates the race as "likely Republican," down a peg from the previous "safe Republican." Says the Crystal Ball, "Roberts is not exactly as safe as one might think." Noteworthy - Kansas has not elected a Democrat to the Senate since 1932.
A deadlock in Senate race in Iowa
Democrat Bruce Braley and Republican Joni Ernst are tied at 40 percent each with 15 percent undecided in a Suffolk/USA Today poll of one of the races that could determine control of the U.S. Senate.
DesJarlais wins his race, Cochran wants lawsuit dismissed
House Agriculture Committee member Scott DesJarlais is the undisputed winner of the Republican primary in Tennessee's fourth congressional district.
Senators see different school lunch needs – flexibility, funding
Republicans asked about local flexibility and Democrats focused on funding when the Senate Agriculture Committee sat down to hear about they sat down to talk about renewal of school lunch and child nutrition programs. Together the programs cost around $19 billion a year with school meals getting $14 billion. The programs are due for reauthorization in 2015.
Iowa, suddenly a Senate race du jour
The campaign in Iowa to succeed Democrat Tom Harkin, a Senate Agriculture Committee member, gained a lot of attention in the past week. Handicapping of the race ranged from "leans Democratic" to a toss-up. Over the weekend, the Washington Post's "Election Lab" said its model shows "78 percent chance of GOP win" - a much stronger reading than other forecasts.
Poll gives Cochran large lead for fall election
Six-term incumbent Thad Cochran, the Republican leader on the Senate Agriculture Committee, has a 16-point lead, 40-24, over Democrat Travis Childers for re-election to the Senate from Mississippi, says Public Policy Polling. PPP says "voters are still deeply divided over the general election" with 31 percent undecided. Childers leads 37-36 against state Sen Chris McDaniel, who lost a runoff to Cochran. PPP said 39 percent of Republicans "think that McDaniel should not concede the race to Cochran."
Lunch waiver is poison pill for USDA funding bill, Farr warns
A Republican proposal to give hard-pressed schools a one-year waiver from school lunch reforms is headed for a floor vote in the House with predictions of more turmoil to come. "This is poison," warned Sam Farr, a senior Democrat on the Appropriations Committee. "It will tie up the whole ag appropriations bill." Farr lost on a party-line vote, 29-22, when he tried to delete the waiver during a four-hour committee markup.
Mississippi Senate primary becomes nastiest in the nation
The Republican Senate primary election in Mississippi "has become the nastiest, and most personal, in the nation," says the New York Times with one week left until election day. The race between six-term incumbent Thad Cochran, the Republican leader on the Senate Agriculture Committee, and state Sen Chris McDaniel "represents the last chance for Tea Party activists to topple an incumbent."
Arkansas Senate race is now rated a toss-up
A series of favorable polls for Democrat Mark Pryor, chairman of the Senate Appropriations subcommittee on agriculture, prompted Sabato's Crystal Ball to rate the race as a toss-up. Until now, it viewed the race as "leans Republican."
Pryor leads in Arkansas, Roberts stays on Kansas ballot
Democrat Mark Pryor, chairman of the Senate Appropriations subcommittee on agriculture, leads Republican challenger Tom Cotton, 51-40, in an NBC/Marist telephone poll of 1,174 registered voters in Arkansas, with 7 percent undecided and 2 percent backing someone else. Margin of error +/-2.9 percent, says Pollster.
Boehner says no conspiracy to move immigration reform
House Speaker Boehner told fellow Republicans there was no "conspiracy" to move an immigration reform bill this summer, says Roll Call.
Democrats try new tactic to get House vote on immigration
House Democrats say they will distribute memos in 30 congressional districts to encourage Republican lawmakers to sign the discharge petition petition and force a floor vote on comprehensive immigration reform, says Roll Call.