USDA doubles its funding for climate mitigation projects

The Biden administration allotted $5.7 billion for climate mitigation work through USDA's conservation programs in the coming 12 months, double the amount offered in the just-ended fiscal year. There is record interest in USDA's stewardship programs "and we're confident that we can continue to get the support out to conservation-minded producers," said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack on Wednesday.
Conservation Reserve shrinks to smallest size since 1988

Lawmakers decided as part of the 2018 farm policy law to expand the voluntary Conservation Reserve, which pays landowners an annual rent in exchange for idling fragile farmland for 10 years or longer. Although the expansion was expected to be popular — offering steady income after years of low commodity prices — it hasn't panned out. Enrollment continues a decline that began in 2007.
Survey: farmers support Conservation Stewardship Program
In a survey of over 800 farmers and ranchers across five states, the Center for Rural Affairs found overwhelming support for the farm bill's Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP). The Nebraska-based organization, which advocates for environmental stewardship and rural communities, concluded that the CSP should continue to exist and be funded as a standalone farm-bill initiative.