Misuse of dicamba weedkiller reported in 10 states — EPA

An unusually large number of complaints of crop damage by herbicides that include dicamba have been reported this year, says EPA in a compliance advisory that warns it is illegal to use the weedkiller on cotton or soybeans during the growing season. Farmers in 10 states have complained to EPA and state officials of dicamba damage, with Missouri suffering the most widespread impact from herbicide "drift" from nearby fields.
Cotton glut is worked down in China, worldwide
China has sold around 1.6 million tonnes of cotton from its state-owned reserve since daily auctions began in May, sharply reducing the burdensome stockpile, said the International Cotton Advisory Committee.
Seed startup closes $100 million funding to tackle water scarcity
Seed startup Indigo said that it closed a $100 million Series C investment, the largest private equity financing in the agriculture technology sector. Indigo first came onto the map in February when it unveiled cotton seeds laced in probiotics that conserve water and help replenish the soil. With more funding, the company plans to expand research and launch its first line of probiotic wheat seeds.
World cotton output to rise although plantings decline
The global cotton crop will rise 5 percent, to 23 million tonnes, this year although plantings are declining for the second year in a row, according to the forecast by the International Cotton Advisory Council. The intergovernmental body said market prices, depressed for years, will improve as the worldwide cotton glut shrinks during 2016/17.
Bangladesh, Vietnam become world’s largest cotton importers
As China grapples with its massive cotton surplus, Bangladesh and Vietnam will take its place as the world's leading cotton importers, says the International Cotton Advisory Committee. China will remain the largest consumer, using nearly three of every 10 tonnes of cotton that goes through cotton mills in 2016/17.
China cuts back on cotton, U.S. expands
At the same time China is whittling down its huge cotton surplus, high production costs will discourage its farmers from growing the fiber this year, says the International Cotton Advisory Committee. "Area in China is expected to decrease by 10 percent, to 3.1 million hectares in 2016/17," says ICAC, and with normal yields "production would fall by 10 percent, to 4.6 million tonnes."
Turkey imposes anti-dumping duties on U.S. cotton
The National Cotton Council said it will try to reverse Turkey's decision to assess anti-dumping duties on U.S. cotton, including steps such as a WTO complaint and a lawsuit.
India to repeat as top cotton grower as China limits crop
Global cotton production will increase 4 percent this year, led by larger crops in India and the United States while China tries to whittle down its massive stockpile, said the International Cotton Advisory Council.
Estimated cost of new U.S. farm subsidies nearly doubles

Instead of saving money on crop subsidies, the 2014 farm law will cost far more than anticipated, says economist Vince Smith of Montana State University.
Conaway calls USDA cotton proposals ‘smoke and mirrors’
USDA will begin fleshing out a cotton-ginning cost-share program as a response to the third year of low cotton prices and financial stress on growers, said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack.
Two new routes offered for aid to cotton growers

While a $1 billion-a-year cottonseed subsidy may be off the table, financially strapped cotton growers could be helped through two other federal options. One could pump $150 million into the sector through a cost-share program with cotton ginners and the other would be revival of so-called cotton transition payments.
Vilsack: Congress has to give USDA authority on cottonseed
The USDA is prevented by statute from creating a subsidy program, potentially costing $1 billion a year, for cottonseed, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said in an essay in Farm Journal. Congress, he says, needs to change the law.
Facing tough year economically, cotton growers to expand plantings

Cotton growers face the third year of low commodity prices, high production costs and financial hardship, says an economic outlook presented at the industry's annual meeting.
Two months of low rainfall brings drought back to Texas
Much of central and southern Texas is abnormally dry following unusually warm weather and two months of scanty rainfall, reports the Drought Monitor.
Cotton growers can use certificates to boost USDA payments

As directed by Congress, USDA is giving cotton growers the chance to use so-called commodity certificates to retire crop support loans, a step estimated to funnel an additional $40 million to farmers facing the lowest market prices since 2009.
Modest increase in world cotton crop likely
"Poor returns for competing crops and relatively stable cotton prices may encourage farmers to plant more cotton" this crop year and boost production 3 percent, to 23 million tonnes, from the 2015/16 level, according to the International Cotton Advisory Committee.
USDA punts cottonseed subsidy back to Congress

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack handed the question of a $1 billion a year cottonseed subsidy program back to Congress, telling lawmakers they hold the power to expand the farm program but USDA does not. In a novel proposal, the cotton industry asked that cottonseed be declared an oilseed and thus become eligible for the crop subsidies offered to grain and soybean growers.
Voices lowered, cottonseed-subsidy debate continues

The cotton industry and a leading ally on Capitol Hill are pressing to make cottonseed eligible for crop subsidies despite the USDA's conclusion that it lacks the authority to do so. Payments could total $1 billion a year, according to an estimate by university economists.
Hurricane slashes Georgia cotton crop by 20 percent
High winds and heavy rains from Hurricane Helene destroyed one-fifth of the cotton crop in Georgia, the second-largest cotton state in the nation, said the USDA's monthly Crop Production report. The USDA estimated that growers would harvest 1.65 million bales of cotton weighing 480 pounds each, down by 400,000 bales from a pre-hurricane estimate.