Three Iowa farm groups form water-quality alliance
Groups representing soybean, corn and hog farmers in Iowa formed an alliance to encourage farmers in the Hawkeye state to voluntarily reduce nutrient runoff, said DTN.
Crop tour sees record corn, soybean harvests, with a caveat
U.S. farmers will harvest their biggest corn and soybean crops ever - 14.093 billion bushels of corn and 3.812 billion bushels of soybeans, says Pro Farmer after a first-hand look at crops in the seven leading states.
China halts work on biotech rice and corn varieties
China's Agriculture Ministry decided not to renew permits that allowed development of three varieties of genetically engineered rice and corn, a decision that...
Crop tour wraps up, do big crops get bigger?
Crop scouts reported strong potential corn yields in southwestern Iowa and the northern half of Illinois as the annual Pro Farmer crop tour headed toward release today of an estimate of the U.S. corn and soybean crops.
Argentina corn plantings may drop by 25 percent
Experts say corn plantings could fall by as much as 25 percent in the new season because of the difficulties in obtaining financing, says
Corn yields high in Indiana, variable in Nebraska
A spot-check of fields in northern Indiana and into northwestern Illinois as part of the annual Pro Farmer crop tour found that conditions, and yields, improved as the scouts drove westward, says DTN.
Tour indicates strong corn yields in Ohio and South Dakota
Corn yields in Ohio and South Dakota are likely to be far above last year's levels, say scouts on the Pro Farmer crop tour. Their reports indicate a yield of 182.1 bushels an acre in Ohio and 152.7 bushels an acre in South Dakota.
Did farmers plant fewer corn and soy acres than thought?
Analysts are chewing over the arcane Crop Acreage Data page posted by USDA in hopes of a clearer picture of this fall's corn and soybean harvests.
More bushels in the bin, fewer bucks in the bank

Despite record-setting corn and soybean crops and an upturn in wheat production, the crops are worth 10 percent less than 2013's output due to sharply lower farm-gate prices. Corn, wheat and soybeans are the three most widely planted crops in the nation - covering 360,000 square miles this year - and will have a combined value of $107 billion at the farm gate, based on USDA estimates of season-average prices, compared to...
High ratings ahead of USDA’s first estimate of fall harvest
Traders expect USDA to forecast record crops today - 14.25 billion bushels of corn and 3.82 billion bushels of soybeans - in its first estimate of the fall harvest only a few weeks away.
Record corn and soy crops may mean $125,000 payments
Economist Carl Zulauf of Ohio State University says crop subsidies of $30-$90 an acre are possible with record crops and farm-gate prices that average $3.60 a bushel, reports DTN.
The U.S. crop picture: Record fall harvests, huge surpluses
U.S. farmers are headed for record-breaking harvests this fall, so large that corn and soybean surpluses will be the largest in years, analysts say in surveys ahead of the Aug 12 crop report.
Brazil looks for larger ag sales to Russia
The Russian ban on food and ag products from Western nations including the United States is likely to mean more business for Brazil, says Reuters.
Lowest corn, soy prices in years if crops set records
Commodity prices will tumble if U.S. farmers harvest record corn and soybean crops this fall, says Farm Futures.
High corn and soy ratings despite dry July
The U.S. corn and soybean crops are in phenomenally good shape for the first week of August, said the weekly Crop Progress report, despite dry July weather in the western Corn Belt.
“We’re from Iowa, that’s where the corn yields grow”
The refrain of "The Iowa Corn Song" - " We're from I-o-way, I-o-way, That's where the tall corn grows" - could be rewritten to say, "That's where the corn yields grow."
Immense U.S. corn and soybean crops on the way
U.S. farmers will harvest the first 14-billion-bushel corn crop this fall, breaking the record for corn production by half-a-billion bushels, say estimates from two major companies according to Reuters.
Huge crops to boost world corn and soy surpluses
Bumper crops around the world mean that a dramatic expansion of corn and soybean stockpiles is on the way, says the International Grains Council.
Corn earworm develop Bt resistance via unexpected genetic path
The corn earworm is a widespread crop pest, particularly in the U.S. South, and adept at quickly developing resistance to genetically engineered crops. Over time, researchers looking at lab-selected strains of earworm have identified 20 genes that harbor mutations conferring resistance to pest-killing proteins in so-called Bt crops, which have been genetically engineered to produce bacteria that repel the earworm.