Colorado River Basin states
Insuring desert farms against heat-related losses is bad policy
Studies have repeatedly shown that federally subsidized crop insurance discourages farmers from updating their practices, tools, or strategies in ways that would help them adapt to climate change — but the federal government still subsidizes a whopping 62 percent of farmers’ insurance premiums.
Analysis: As Colorado River dwindles, water expert says ag must reform

On Tuesday, the Interior Department’s new water restrictions for the Colorado River offered a warning: If stakeholders fail to make further cuts in usage, one of the nation’s most vital watersheds could face, according to assistant secretary Tanya Trujillo, “catastrophic collapse.” Robert Glennon, one of the country’s leading experts in water policy and law, discusses what it means and what comes next. <strong>(No paywall)</strong>
U.S. prods Colorado River Basin states for water conservation agreement

With Colorado River Basin states in disarray, the government said on Tuesday it would work with the seven states for an agreement on huge reductions in water usage from the river. In the interim, the Interior Department said it would release less water next year to Arizona and Nevada as well as to Mexico, in response to the 23-year drought that has dried the basin.