Chesapeake Bay
U.S. appeals court upholds Chesapeake Bay “pollution diet”
The Third U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, in Philadelphia, upheld the EPA's "pollution diet" intended to restore the health of the Chesapeake Bay, affirming a 2013 ruling by a U.S. district judge.
Eating blue catfish to help the blue crab
In the Chesapeake Bay, the Wide Net Project hopes to harness the human appetite as an ally to save the blue crab and other native marine life, says Civil Eats.
“You have never seen the sea but in an oyster on the shell”
"The future of Maryland seafood was born aground, in a hand-made aquarium rigged with a couple of five-gallon buckets from Lowe's," begins Madeleine Thomas, in a special report at Grist on the potential for aquaculture to...
Ag-heavy Eastern Shore has big role in Chesapeake pollution
The U.S. Geological Survey says "excess fertilizer and manure applied to the Chesapeake Bay's Eastern Shore are causing poor-quality water flows in streams that flow into the bay."
Fertilizer management, filtering can cut runoff by 45%

Nitrogen runoff could be reduced by 45 percent in the Mississippi River basin - the heart of U.S. grain farming - with adoption of practices that reduce fertilizer waste and conversion of as little as 3.1 million acres of farmland to filter and hold nutrients that now flow downstream, says a research paper. Nitrogen runoff from farms and other sources is blamed for the "dead zone" in the Gulf of Mexico.
Virginia nutrient-trading program is praised and panned
A nutrient trading program has saved the state of Virginia more than $1 million while constraining runoff of phosphorus, a fertilizer, into the Chesapeake Bay, said EPA.
Intersex fish are widespread in Chesapeake watershed
Researchers are finding more intersex fish and in more widespread parts of the Chesapeake Bay watershed, says the Washington Post.
Progress made, more needed on Chesapeake Bay pollution
States in the Chesapeake Bay region made progress in controlling water pollution from agriculture and communities but many jurisdictions are short of goals, says the Associated Press in summarizing...
Chesapeake Bay cleanup hinges on agriculture, says report
A watchdog group gave the bay and its watershed a health grade of D+ for water pollution, habitat, and fisheries on Thursday, the same as its last assessment in 2020. “Overall, the unchanged score is largely the result of failures to make needed changes on farmland to reduce pollution,” said the Chesapeake Bay Foundation.