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Capital Press

Worst drought since 1977 felt throughout Washington State

This year's drought in Washington State "is by far the worst since 1977" and covers nearly all of the state, says Capital Press.

A good tomato crop for California growers with water

Harvest of fresh-market and processing tomatoes is under way in northern California with summer conditions favoring a good crop for growers who have access to enough water, says Capital Press, citing interviews with farmers.

Cattle ranchers try to work around wolves

A cattle rancher in central Washington State says he still believes his herd can co-exist with wolves despite losing a yearling Angus on state-owned grazing land, reports Capital Press.

As California drought bill goes to Senate, the pressure is on Feinstein

Is a robotic apple picker within reach?

Researchers at Washington State University hope to test a robotic apple picker this fall that is able to work fast enough and gently enough to make it economically viable, says Capital Press.

Hot month intensifies drought in Pacific Northwest

Five western states - Idaho, Utah, Washington, Oregon and California - saw the hottest June this year in 121 years of record-keeping, says the weekly Drought Monitor.

In California, it’s farmer vs farmer for irrigation water

Rudy Mussi, who farms in the Sacramento Delta, "is not the California farmer you've been hearing about," says the NPR blog The Salt. "He is not fallowing all his fields or ripping up his orchards due to a lack of irrigation water."

Is Prop 2 to blame for sharp drop in California egg production?

Egg farms in California produced 323 million eggs in May, a drop of 16 percent from the same month in 2014, says the Chicken and Eggs report.

Oregon governor suggests control areas for GE crops

A bill in the Oregon Senate, introduced at the request of Gov John Kitzhaber, would allow the state to establish control areas to separate genetically engineered crops from organic and conventional crops if necessary to prevent cross-pollination, says Capital Press.

Bird flu found again in Pacific Northwest states

All the birds in a non-commercial flock in Port Angeles, Wash, were killed to prevent the spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza, said Capital Press, which said bird flu also was reported in a backyard flock in Idaho.

Idaho aggies mull bill to prevent GMO food labeling

Led by sugar growers and processors, farm groups in Idaho are considering whether to push for a state law against labeling food made with genetically modified organisms, says Capital Press.

U.S. will investigate sugar imports from Mexico

The Commerce Department announced it will open an investigation into charges that Mexico is dumping subsidized sugar in the United States