Bob Stallman
Farm Bureau head opposes GMO food labels

The leader of the largest U.S. farm organization said GMO food labeling, debated at the state level for the past three years, would result in "patchwork regulation that will do nothing but raise the cost of food." At the opening session of the American Farm Bureau Federation convention in San Diego, president Bob Stallman said "we need a national, fact-based approach to food labeling." Stallman also said, "We need to maintain farmers' access to better seeds and technology, whether it's through today's technology or innovations yet to come."
Farm groups urge immigration, guest-worker reforms
Broad-ranging reform is needed for U.S. immigration and guest worker laws, said three farm groups who supported the comprehensive reform bill passed by the Senate in 2013.
Agriculture’s top hope for lame duck – revival of tax breaks

Congress is fairly likely during its post-election session to revive a package of tax incentives that expired on Jan 1, said the leaders of the two largest U.S. farm groups. The package includes the $1 a gallon tax credit for biodiesel, tax credits for wind and solar power, and generous write-offs for purchases of equipment and other assets. Bob Stallman, president of the American Farm Bureau Federation, told reporters the so-called tax extenders package was...
Big data is boon, farmers say, but they worry who gets it
U.S. farmers say Big Data allows them to reduce costs and boost yields but they also worry the information could wind up in the hands of regulators or could be used by someone else to speculate in the commodity market, says the largest U.S. farm group.
Divergent ag views of EPA plan on power plant emissions
The two largest U.S. farm groups hold widely divergent views on the EPA proposal to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from power plants by 30 percent in coming years.
Farm Bureau opposes water rule
The largest U.S. farm group strongly criticized a proposed clean water rule as "an unlawful expansion of federal regulation to cover routine farming and ranching practices as well as other common private land uses, such as building homes."