Biofuel makers in the U.S. and Brazil hope China becomes big buyer
China is a tiny market for ethanol imports but producers in the United States and Brazil are stirred by an upturn in sales, says Reuters.
‘Tax extenders’ bill advances, including Section 179 expensing
The Senate Finance Committee approved, 23-3, a bill to retroactively revive four dozen tax breaks that expired at the end of 2014.
Senators ask EPA for much larger biodiesel mandate
Three dozen senators sent a letter to the EPA asking for a much higher mandate for biodiesel than the agency proposed for 2016 and 2017. They say the agency failed to "adequately recognize the domestic biodiesel industry's production capacity and its ability to increase production."
Senate tax package would boost investment, biofuels
The $1 a gallon biodiesel tax credit would be revived along with other incentives for renewable energy in a Senate Finance Committee package of tax "extenders." The committee is scheduled to discuss, and probably vote on, the package on Tuesday.
Ethanol boosters dominate EPA hearing on biofuel mandates
An EPA hearing in Kansas City on an agency proposal to relax the biofuel mandate for 2015 and 2016 "turned into somewhat of a pro-ethanol hearing and rally with the vast majority of those who testified telling EPA not to mess with the RFS," reports DTN.
EPA eases biofuels mandate that aided farmers

Months behind schedule, the EPA said it would set the biofuels share of the gasoline market well below the level specified by law because the fuel market is saturated with corn-based ethanol and second-generation biofuels are in scant supply. Farm groups and the ethanol industry said the agency was being short-sighted in its decision, and that the move would allow the oil industry to throttle a home-grown competitor. The American Petroleum Institute called for congressional repeal of the 2007 biofuels mandate.
Uncertainty slows arrival of new-generation biofuels
Commercial-scale production of new-generation biofuels has been slowed by a year and a half of uncertainty about federal support for the fuels, which use grass or corn stover as feedstocks rather than food crops, reports DTN, based on a panel discussion at a trade meeting.
USDA puts cash into higher-blend biofuel projects
The USDA said it will provide up to $100 million in matching funds for "state-led efforts to test and evaluate innovative and comprehensive approaches to market higher blends of renewable fuel, such as E15 and E85."
Camelina and soybeans, a potential cash combo in Midwest
Camelina, an oilseed that is little-known in the Midwest, could be a profit-turning partner with soybeans in the upper Midwest, says a study highlighted by the American Society of Agronomy.
Synthetic biology firms pivot from biofuels to food, lotions
Firms such as Sapphire and Amyris that hoped to score success as biofuel producers "are turning hard—or 'pivoting,' in Silicon Valley tech-ese—to products that sell for much more than $2.49 a gallon," says Newsweek in a story on the perils and promise of synthetic biology.
Change RFS to help our sector, says advanced biofuels group
The Advanced Biofuels Association called for changes to the Renewable Fuels Standard, which guarantees a share of the gasoline market to renewable fuels, so the sector can expand from demonstration plants to full-scale commercial operations.
Expect ethanol, clean-water rules this spring, says EPA chief
EPA administrator Gina McCarthy says the agency will issue rules this spring that set the ethanol mandate and define the upstream reach of clean-water laws, according to DTN, but she did not offer a specific date for the announcement.
Senators unveil bill to repeal corn ethanol mandate
Portions of the Renewable Fuels Standard that effectively mandate the use of corn-based ethanol would be repealed under a bill introduced by Sens. Dianne Feinstein of California, Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania and Jeff Flake of Arizona.
In erosive Palouse, wheat growers look for soil-holding crops
Karl Kupers was an early convert to no-till wheat in the arid and erodible Palouse region of the U.S. Northwest, where wheat is dominant, says a reader-funded story on Flux.
Former House Ag chairman seeks to end ethanol mandate
Two of the top-ranking members of the House Agriculture Committee are among the four lead sponsors of a bill to eliminate the federal mandate for corn-based ethanol.
Cut back on crop-based biofuels to close the world food gap
The think tank World Resources Institute says the world food gap could be narrowed greatly if crop-based biofuels - made from corn, sugarcane or vegetable oils - are eliminated. In a working paper, WRI points to estimates that food production must rise by 70 percent by 2050 to feed the growing world population. "If crop-based biofuels were phased out, the 2050 crop calorie gap would decrease from 70 percent to about 60 percent, a significant step toward a sustainable food future," says the report by Tim Searchinger and Ralph Heimlich.
Senate vote unlikely on amendment against ethanol mandate
A co-sponsor of a Senate amendment to eliminate annual targets for ethanol consumption says the amendment will not be called for a vote as part of debate on the Keystone pipeline.
Gas station chain to put E15 in 60 stations in North Carolina
A convenience store chain in six mid-Atlantic states, Sheetz Convenience Stores, said it will offer E15 at 60 of its fuel stations in North Carolina by spring 2016.
Lawmakers would triple lifespan of 45Z clean fuel credit
The 45Z tax credit, intended to encourage the development of sustainable aviation fuel and other low-carbon fuels, would be available until 2034 and limited to domestic feedstocks under companion bills filed in the House and Senate on Tuesday. Farm groups said the legislation would allow time for domestic production to rise while discouraging a flood of imported oil, grease, and tallow.