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Amber Waves

What government spends the most on ag research?

The world's largest farm exporter and a leader in agricultural innovation, the United States, has been supplanted by China, by a 2-to-1 margin, in terms of public funding for agricultural research and development. Chinese ascendancy came in part due to a decline in U.S. funding, which "may have negative implication for agricultural productivity" when dealing with new pests and diseases and climate change, say three USDA economists.

One in four rural children lives in poverty

The child poverty rate in rural America grew to 26 percent in the decade following the 2000 Census, when it was 19 percent, says a USDA analysis. By comparison, the poverty rate for urban children is now 21 percent.

Rural areas trail cities on college degrees

Far more urban residents hold college degrees than do rural Americans - 32 percent vs 18.5 percent, says an article in USDA's Amber Waves magazine. The urban-rural gap widened by 2 points since 2000, according to Census Bureau data.

USDA creates three new directories for local food sales

With 8,268 listings in the National Farmers Markets Directory, USDA is creating three new directories for local food marketing. The new catalogs will cover Community Supported Agriculture projects, food hubs and...