AgroSouth News
Drought dims outlook for Brazil’s soybean crop
Brazil's soybean belt is critically short of rainfall, in the view of consultancy Oil World, which sees a harvest of 89 million tonnes this season, said AgriMoney.
Argentina may create a grain company of its own, says report
The Argentinian news portal Infobae says the government is considering whether to create a grain company of its own to compete with the multinational exporters - Cargill, ADM, Bunge and Dreyfus - who dominate farm exports, says AgroSouth News.
If US soybean crop shrinks, prices could zoom
The U.S. soybean crop could be as much as 6 percent smaller than now forecast if yields drop slightly or if plantings turn out to be smaller than reported, say projections presented at a Kansas State University risk-management conference.
Brazil looks for larger ag sales to Russia
The Russian ban on food and ag products from Western nations including the United States is likely to mean more business for Brazil, says Reuters.
US-Brazil cotton settlement reported, USDA says not so
"Brazil is likely to receive $400 million from the United States as part of an agreement to compensate the South American country" in the decade-old cotton subsidy dispute, says Agro-South.