To avoid toxic acrylamide, don’t burn the fries
"Don't burn those french fries. And keep those cookies light," said Agri-Pulse in summarizing FDA's guidance to foodmakers to reduce levels of acrylamide, a possible carcinogen.
Drugmakers oppose FDA proposal on antibiotic reporting
The veterinary pharmaceutical industry strongly opposes an FDA proposal to collect more details about antibiotic use in livestock, said Agri-Pulse.
U.S. appeals court overturns dismissal of pork checkoff suit
The U.S. appeals court in Washington "is breathing new life into a previously dismissed lawsuit alleging pork checkoff funds were indirectly used to benefit the lobbying efforts of the National Pork Producers Council," said Agri-Pulse.
Court tells EPA to decide on pesticide by Oct. 31
Timing of tax ‘extenders’ bill uncertain, says Senate leader
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says he wants to enact a tax "extenders" bill in a timely way, but did not suggest a likely course of action during a news conference, reports Agri-Pulse.
Senate ag panel leaders say sugar program is safe
The two leaders of the Senate Agriculture Committee, chairman Pat Roberts and top-ranking Democrat Debbie Stabenow, said the U.S. sugar program is safe from challenge within the committee.
Christie says he wants USDA leader with “real life experience”
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, seeking the Republican nomination for president, says if he had the chance he would "put someone in charge of USDA who actually has done this before," says Agri-Pulse in a story from a GOP pig roast near Camanche, Iowa.
House may pass bill against GMO labeling before end of July

The U.S. House could vote as early as next week on a bill to pre-empt states from requiring labels on food made with genetically modified organisms. And passage seems assured, backers said, after speedy committee approval of the legislation. The Agriculture Committee, a quarter of whose members are cosponsors of the bill, approved an updated version on a voice vote during a session that ran less than 20 minutes.
GMO foods could be “natural” under House pre-emption bill
A bill to prevent states from requiring labels on foods made with genetically modified organisms could allow GMO foods to be marketed as "natural," opponents claimed ahead of a committee vote scheduled for today on the bill.
USDA approves GE cotton that tolerates 2,4-D weedkiller
The USDA said it has decided to approve cultivation of cotton that has been genetically engineered by Dow AgroScience to tolerate the weedkiller 2,4-D as well as glyphosate, the most widely used herbicide in the world, said Agri-Pulse.
House leaders set Friday showdown on fast track for trade
Republican leaders in the House "are setting up a showdown vote Friday on the fast-track trade bill that the Obama administration says will clear the way for wrapping up negotiations on a Pacific Rim agreement," says Agri-Pulse.
House Ag leaders say GMO bill focuses on labels only

With a floor vote near, the leaders of the House Agriculture Committee say a bill to bar states from requiring labels on foods made with genetically modified foods is targeted in its scope.
Groups seeking GMO-label laws target glyphosate
The Just Label It campaign for mandatory labeling of food made with genetically modified organisms "rolled out a trio of academics on Wednesday in a bid to raise public awareness of the public health and environmental costs of herbicides used in the production of genetically engineered crops," said Agri-Pulse.
Biggest U.S. farm group steps up drive against water rule
The largest U.S. farm group says the EPA's proposed "waters of the United States" rule "is even worse than before." The six-million-member American Farm Bureau Federation released a lengthy analysis of the so-called WOTUS rule...
States file suit against “waters of United States” rule
Thirteen states filed suit in federal court in North Dakota against the "waters of the United States" rule that defines the upstream reach of the Clean Water Act, said Agri-Pulse.
After three-week surge, fewer bird-flu outbreaks reported
The worst avian influenza epidemic ever to hit the U.S. poultry industry is losing its punch, says Agri-Pulse, with fewer outbreaks being reported on a weekly basis and "leading industry and government officials to discuss steps to prevent a similar outbreak in the fall."
House bill expected this week to pre-empt state GMO labels

Kansas Rep. Mike Pompeo is expected to file a new version this week of his bill to pre-empt state laws that require labels on food made with genetically modified organisms, according to reports by Agri-Pulse and Politico. The bill would include language allowing the USDA to certify foods to be sold with a non-GMO label. Food companies that use the non-GMO label "would be barred from suggesting 'either expressly or by implication' that their products are safer than biotech versions," says Agri-Pulse.
Ethanol foes target USDA aid for blender pumps
A group of 18 U.S. representatives, including the chairmen of the House Judiciary and Rules committees, is trying to block USDA grants for installation of blender pumps that sell gasoline with a higher ethanol content than the traditional 10 percent.
Menu-labeling rules are not clear enough, senators tell FDA
Members of a Senate Appropriations subcommittee said FDA rules on calorie labels for restaurant and take-away foods are overly broad. The rules are scheduled to take effect on Dec. 1.