Today’s quick hits, September 13, 2018

McDonald’s workers set to strike (U.S. News): Hundreds of McDonald’s workers have been meeting to prepare for a one-day, 10-city strike to protest the company’s handling of sexual harassment complaints.

High-speed internet hard to get (CNET): Fifty-eight percent of rural Americans say it’s difficult to access high-speed internet in their communities, and a significant number of them see that as a major problem.

How about some U.S.-China negotiations? (Bloomberg): Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and other senior administration officials have extended an invitation to their Chinese counterparts for a new round of talks to avoid escalation of the trade war that began early this year.

Something is killing maple trees (Seattle Times): Since 2010, bigleaf maple trees, which can reach a height of 100 feet, have been dying in the Pacific Northwest, but state and federal officials are unable to identify an insect or a disease as the culprit.

Farm and ethanol groups call for E15 (Renewable Fuels Association): Seven farm and ethanol groups have asked President Trump to intervene in the EPA’s “inexplicable delay in removing the de facto summertime ban on E15.”

End the trade-war tariffs (USA Today): More than 80 trade associations have joined the newly formed Americans for Free Trade and signed on to its multimillion-dollar anti-tariff campaign, called Tariffs Hurt the Heartland.