Today’s quick hits, Sept. 25, 2018

Glyphosate harms honeybees (Guardian): Researchers say the world’s most widely used weedkiller, glyphosate, damages bacteria in the guts of honeybees and makes them more susceptible to deadly infections.

Rancher gives vet school his ranch (CBC): A Canadian ranching family gave its land and herd worth $44 million to the University of Calgary veterinary school to get students out of the classroom and on the land.

Trade war to cost Iowa billions (Des Moines Register): Iowa farmers could lose up to $2.2 billion from a trade war, with a ripple effect through the state economy, according to an Iowa State University report.

The ‘wheaties’ face climate change (Civil Eats): Custom harvesters known as “wheaties” have followed, and reaped, the maturing crop across the Plains for decades but face a welter of challenges that spring from climate change, such as less-predictable growing seasons and a shift to other crops.

Solar farms fare well in Hurricane Florence (InsideClimate News): North Carolina ranks second to California in solar power and its solar farms suffered minimal hurricane damage last week, a selling point in the broader debate over energy.