Today’s quick hits, Sept. 23, 2024

Spending bill includes USDA: House Speaker Mike Johnson proposed a three-month extension of government funding, including the USDA, at current rates until Dec. 20; the legislation calls for a one-year study of the risks to SNAP from EBT card skimming and card cloning and how to improve security. (House Rules)

‘Tail pipe’ resolution approved: On a 215-191 vote, mostly on party lines, the Republican-controlled House passed and sent to the Senate a resolution to overturn the EPA “tail pipe” regulation that tightens the limits on pollution from new cars, pickup trucks and SUVs; foes say it unduly favors electric vehicles. (House Clerk)

Assistance for distressed farmers: At the Farm Aid concert, Farm Service Agency administrator Zach Ducheneaux said the USDA will launch the Distressed Borrowers Assistance Network to provide personalized support to financially distressed farmers and ranchers. (USDA)

First bird flu outbreak in nine weeks: Highly pathogenic avian influenza was confirmed at a turkey farm with 62,800 turkeys in Merced County, California, the first U.S. outbreak of bird flu in a commercial flock since July 19. (USDA)