Today’s quick hits, Sept. 16, 2020

U.S. broke trade rules with China tariffs: The WTO ruled that U.S. tariffs on $360 billion of Chinese imports, dating from 2018, were discriminatory, excessive and in violation of global trade rules. U.S. trade representative Robert Lighthizer said the WTO was impotent when confronted with egregious Chinese trade policies. (Financial Times)

Poultry farmers allege price-fixing: Two poultry growers in Texas filed a federal lawsuit charging that major processors engaged in a “no-poach” scheme in which they did not try to recruit chicken farmers from each other and shared compensation data. The result was that small growers were forced to accept non-competitive bids for their birds. (Boulder Daily Camera)

‘Risking our life for chicken’: Poultry processing plants are the common factor in coronavirus outbreaks in Georgia, although industry and state officials say the behavior of employees outside the workplace is to blame. (Facing South)

Kraft gets out of the natural cheese sector: Chief financial officer Paulo Basilio announced that Kraft Heinz would sell its natural cheese business to Lactalis for $3.2 billion, parting with half-a-dozen brand names that include Breakstone’s and Cracker Barrel. (Food Dive)