Today’s quick hits, October 16, 2019

Cows make friends (Atlantic): New research suggests that cows develop platonic relationships with each other, and express more contentment — and even produce more milk — when they’re with their friends.

Doctors’ blind spot for diet (New Food Economy): Despite the growing consensus that diet is inextricable from health, few doctors feel qualified to give nutritional advice and those in training receive little instruction about diet.

First new chairman in 11 years (Growth Energy): Dan Sanders, vice president of Colorado ethanol maker Front Range Energy, is the new chairman of trade group Growth Energy.

UN agency reports on food loss (FAO): The 2019 State of Food and Agriculture report estimates that 14 percent of food produced worldwide is lost after the harvest stage and before the retail stage.

Prairie strips to save water, soil (Civil Eats): Sowing strips of prairie grasses amid fields of corn, soybeans and other grains can improve water and soil quality on U.S. farms as well as helping pollinating insects and sequestering carbon, say researchers.