Today’s quick hits, Nov. 6, 2023

U.S. lowers phosphate tariff: The Commerce Department lowered the tariff to 2 percent on imports of phosphate fertilizer from Morocco, from the previous 20 percent, a decision hailed by a U.S. farm group as “a big win for corn farmers.” (Morocco World News)

Millions of sterile flies: Following the discovery of Mediterranean fruit flies in Los Angeles County, California state agriculture officials said they would release more than 2 million sterile medflies each week for four to six months to disrupt reproduction of the invasive pest. (Los Angeles Times)

Roadblock to cover crops: A satellite study found lower corn and soybean yields per acre on fields where cover crops were planted for three years or longer, leading to suggestions that growers will need government payments or more technical advice to adopt the practice. (Associated Press)

NYC warns on sugar: The New York City Council passed a first-of-its-kind bill to require chain restaurants to post warnings for items with high sugar levels, such as sugary drinks and snacks, on a phased-in basis beginning in June 2025. (Food Fix)

Food price index declines: The FAO Food Price Index fell 0.5 percent due to lower prices for sugar, cereals, meat, and vegetables and is 10.9 percent lower than than year ago. (Food and Agriculture Organization)