Today’s quick hits, May 6, 2024

‘Catastrophe’ for golden rice: An appeals court in the Philippines blocked the production, sale, and testing of so-called golden rice, saying there was no scientific consensus on the safety of the rice that has been genetically modified to contain vitamin A. One of golden rice’s developers called the ruling a “catastrophe.” (Science)

Fish are getting smaller: Around the world, fish are becoming smaller in size as adults, possibly in response to global warming but scientists disagree on why. (Washington Post)

Ground beef recall: Cargill, one of the largest U.S. meat processors, said it recalled 16,000 pounds of ground beef products from 11 states due to possible contamination by E. coli. (Cargill)

Large global wheat crop: Buoyed by the expectation of near-record production in India and Pakistan, world wheat production was forecast at 791 million metric tons in 2024, a hair larger than the 2023 harvest. (UN Food and Agriculture Organization)

Climate Corps hosts named: Twenty-eight groups, from Ducks Unlimited to the Nature Conservancy and the Michigan state Agriculture Department, were selected as host members of USDA’s Working Lands Climate Corps. (USDA)