Today’s quick hits, May 24, 2019

DowDuPont’s donations to lawmakers (Fast Co.): Congressional lawmakers who are either opposed to or declining to co-sponsor legislation to ban chlorpyrifos, a brain-damaging pesticide, are seeing a windfall in campaign contributions from manufacturer DowDuPont.

Drowning in giveaway milk (New Food Economy): A lesser-known part of trade-war mitigation for farmers is the donation of thousands of gallons of milk to food banks, which have to give it away before it spoils.

Perdue likes church-run food aid (Salt Lake Tribune): After touring a massive food production facility run by the Mormon Church, Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue said, “Government can’t do it all” in providing food aid. “The USDA could learn some lessons … on how to help people.”

Mario Batali charged (New York Times): The one-time star chef has been charged with indecent assault and battery stemming from an allegation that he groped and kissed a woman at a Boston restaurant in 2017.