Today’s quick hits, May 17, 2024

Cultivated chicken sales: A high-end Singapore meat shop has begun retail sales — the first ever for cultivated meat — of Good Meat 3, a blend of 3 percent cultivated chicken and plant proteins, with a 4.25-ounce package priced at the equivalent of $5.35. (Good Meat)

Deere revenue down: Deere and Co., the world’s largest maker of farm equipment, said worldwide revenues fell 12 percent during the second quarter of the year, which chief executive John May attributed to “continued changes across the global agricultural sector.” (Deere)

Soybean changes: Farmers are planting nearly 25 percent fewer soybean seeds per acre than they did in 1997, while average row width has increased modestly, to almost 20 inches, and planting in conventional rows, rather than drilling or broadcasting seed, has become the standard practice. (USDA)

Short shrift for Black farmers: Farm bill proposals that increase federal support for the major row crops shortchange Black farmers and other small growers who produce none or only small amounts of the subsidized crops and do not have a USDA backstop, said an environmental group. (EWG)