Today’s quick hits, May 13, 2019

Ag-exporter nations push science and innovation (FERN’s Ag Insider): Five exporter nations attending the G20 agriculture ministerial meeting in Japan — Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Mexico and the U.S. — said in a joint statement that science and innovation, often code words for biotechnology, must play a key role in the global food supply.

Washington State will go cage-free (New Food Economy): A new state law will require that eggs sold in Washington must come from cage-free hens by the end of 2023 in a rare display of bipartisan support of an animal-welfare bill.

Not ‘preliminary,’ but reviewable (Washington Post): USDA drops a requirement that peer-reviewed research be labeled “preliminary,” but USDA officials, including political appointees, can request changes on work that deals with “prominent issues.”

Yogurt maker offers to pay school lunch arrearage (AP): Yogurt company Chobani said it will pay the school debts — perhaps $77,000 in all — for children in public schools in Warwick, Rhode Island, and called on other businesses to pitch in.

FDA to test frozen berries (Food Safety News): The FDA will test 2,000 samples of frozen berries throughout the food supply in an effort to develop controls against disease-causing viruses, which can survive at low temperatures.