Today’s quick hits, March 8, 2023

Ag budget letter vote is Thursday: The House Agriculture Committee will vote on Thursday on its annual budget views and estimates letter to the Budget Committee; committees rarely volunteer for spending cuts so the question will be whether the panel asks for more money for the 2023 farm bill or stands pat. (House Agriculture)

Bioeconomy is a puzzle: A survey of 1,500 people found most of them are unfamiliar with 10 terms — biobased, biodegradable, bioeconomy, bioplastics, biopolymer, circular economy, compostable, organic, plant-based, and recyclable — that are used on product labels and claims. (Jayson Lusk)

Supreme Court rebuffs R-CALF: Without comment, the Supreme Court rejected a petition, case 22-270, by R-CALF USA that argued the USDA improperly created an advisory committee that supported use of electronic ear tags for adult cattle shipped across state lines. (Supreme Court)

Higher interest rates possible: The process of bringing inflation down to 2 percent is likely to require higher interest rates than previously anticipated; if faster rate increases are needed, “we would be prepared to increase the pace,” said Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell. (Senate Banking)

Vilsack at Pork Forum: Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack will speak at the 2023 Pork Forum in Orlando on Thursday as part of a three-day swing through Florida that begins with a speech at Aspen Ideas: Climate in Miami Beach on Wednesday and ends with a Commodity Classic speech in Orlando on Friday. (FERN’s Ag Insider)