Today’s quick hits, June 11, 2024

Jobs growth slower in rural areas: Rural employment grew by 0.9 percent last year, an increase of more than 171,000 jobs, but trailed urban increases of 1.4 to 1.6 percent, depending on the size of the metropolitan area. (Daily Yonder)

Aquaculture tops fisheries: Global fisheries and aquaculture production was a record 223 million metric tons in 2022. For the first time aquaculture was the leading contributor, making up 51 percent of aquatic animal production, said a UN report. (Food and Agriculture Organization)

Funds to reduce wildfire risk: Agriculture deputy secretary Xochitl Torres Small was scheduled to speak to the Western Governors Association on Tuesday and to announce funding to reduce wildfire risk, protect water quality, and improve forest health. (USDA)