Today’s quick hits, July 24, 2024

Kamala Harris, ‘climate champion’: The presumptive Democratic nominee for president, Kamala Harris, has a strong track record on climate and clean energy policies, including passage of the 2022 climate, healthcare, and tax law, said environmentalists; one called her “a climate champion.” (Los Angeles Times)

Satellites to spot wildfires: The government’s GEOS-R satellites will use their advanced remote sensing capabilities to detect and report wildfires in the West under a $20 million agreement with the Interior and Agriculture departments. (USDA)

World’s hottest day: The global average temperature was 17.09 degrees C (62.8 degrees F) on Sunday, “the hottest day since at least 1940,” according to Copernicus Climate Change Service; its director says global warming will bring more record highs. (Copernicus)

Drought widespread in Mexico: The worst drought in Mexico since 2011 covers 76 percent of the country, and “the increasing drought conditions have led to water scarcity and agricultural concerns.” (NOAA)

CAFOs near canals: Nine of every 10 factory farms in California are within a mile of canals often used for irrigation water, and 2.6 million acres of crops are grown within three miles of a large livestock farm, proximity that creates the risk of bacterial contamination, said an environmental group. (EWG)