Today’s quick hits, July 22, 2020

Dicamba makers want another day in court: Bayer, BASF and Corteva separately filed petitions asking for a review by all of the judges on the U.S. appeals court in San Francisco of the June 3 decision by three of its members to vacate the EPA registration of the weedkiller dicamba. (DTN/Progressive Farmer)

Coronavirus rules upheld for farmworkers: Although farmworker groups wanted a ban on bunk beds as protection against exposure to the coronavirus, a state judge said Washington State’s housing rules for farm workers would stay in place. (Associated Press)

$10 billion to fight coronavirus hunger: The World Food Program launched the largest appeal in UN history, asking for $10 billion for food aid to 138 million people “who face desperate levels of hunger as the pandemic tightens its grip on some of the most fragile countries on earth.” (WFP)

So far, so good at Bristol Bay: A month into the salmon fishing season that brings 12,000 workers into Alaska’s Bristol Bay area, all of the 61 cases of coronavirus infection are related directly to the seafood industry and none are year-round residents. (The Counter)

On-farm energy production gets House review: The House Agriculture subcommittee on commodity exchanges, energy and credit scheduled a hearing for Thursday at 10 a.m. ET on production of energy on the farm and its impact on farm income and rural communities. (House Agriculture)