Today’s quick hits, July 16, 2024

Record per-capita meat consumption: Americans will consume a record 227.7 pounds of meat per person in 2024 — nearly 10 ounces a day, thanks to larger pork and poultry production this year, said USDA analysts; at present, the record is 226.8 pounds in 2022. (USDA)

Missouri supports antitrust lawsuit: Attorney General Andrew Bailey of Missouri said he would intervene in an antitrust lawsuit in support of poultry producers who argue that Tyson Foods improperly sold a chicken processing plant in southeastern Missouri for conversion to an egg handling facility. (Bailey)

Farm to School grants: The USDA awarded $14.3 million in Farm to School grants to 154 projects nationwide for work that ranges from school gardens and field trips to taste tests, nutrition education, and the purchase of locally grown food. (USDA)

Replacing an extinct butterfly: Decades after the Xerces blue butterfly went extinct, researchers are introducing a closely related and relatively common silvery blue butterfly in the foggy sand dunes of San Francisco. (Washington Post)