Today’s quick hits, January 23, 2019

Confusion and fear keep some from SNAP (WAMU): Many Maryland residents who qualify for SNAP aren’t enrolled in the program; the reasons for under-enrollment include fear of deportation and a lack of information about how to sign up for the public benefits.

Farmworker wins suit against dairy (Fresno Bee): A farmworker in Fresno won a precedent-setting case against his former employer, a dairy, for wage and other workplace violations.

Cotton on the moon? Not yet (Evolving Science): Cotton seeds sprouted in a “mini-biosphere” on a Chinese lunar lander—the first time humans successfully grew living material outside of their home planet—but the plants died as night fell to 280 degrees below zero Fahrenheit.

Trump plays chicken with China (The Hill): President Trump’s policy of confrontation with trading partners is “a game of chicken in which U.S. agriculture may end up paying a heavy price,” writes former USDA chief economist Joe Glauber in an op-ed.

More plants, less meat and dairy (CTV): The newest version of Canada’s Food Guide recommends putting more plants and water and less meat and dairy products into the daily diet, with a graphic that is similar to USDA’s MyPlate illustration of a healthy diet.