Today’s quick hits, Feb. 8, 2021

Shy on soybeans: Farmers will plant 84.5 million acres of soybeans this spring, according to a survey of growers, a 1.4-million-acre increase that would be smaller than expected in the face of tight supplies and strong market prices. (Farm Futures)

Exemption for agriculture: While Australia feels pressure to commit to net-zero emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050, Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack said agriculture might be exempted: “We are not going to hurt those wonderful people that put food on our table.” (Guardian)

Vaccination difficulties: The United Farm Workers union says it has not been able to get vaccine appointments for workers in the wake of California’s decision to prioritize inoculation of people over 65 years of age, after first saying it would emphasize the labor sector. (NBC News)

Five-year low for cereal grains: Despite record wheat and rice production, world supplies of cereal grains are forecast to fall to their lowest level in five years, 802 million tonnes, at the end of 2020/21, said the Cereal Supply and Demand Brief. (Food and Agriculture Organization)

Shift on pellets?: As a North Carolina regulator, Micheal Regan was dubious of wood pellets as a carbon-neutral fuel, a view that could guide his policies if he is confirmed as EPA administrator. (Mongabay)