Today’s quick hits, August 4, 2023

Klobuchar eyes top slot: Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar, first in line to chair the Senate Agriculture Committee when Sen. Debbie Stabenow retires next year, called that “a great opportunity for Minnesota,“ adding that “we always like to have someone from the Midwest“ in charge. (Red River Farm Network)

Corn, soy drought expands: In the past week, the portion of the U.S. corn crop in drought grew to 59 percent, an increase of 4 points, and the soybean crop in drought expanded to 53 percent, up 3 points. (USDA)

Millet in Minnesota: Naima Dhore, an immigrant from Somalia turned farmer, will market millet, a crop usually grown in warm countries, from her 20-acre farm near Minneapolis to the large East African community in the Twin Cities. (FAO)

U.S. balks at study: The United States rejected a Mexican proposal for additional study on the safety of genetically modified corn, said a Mexican official, a sign the issue will become a full-blown USMCA trade dispute. (Reuters)

Fitch downgrades FCS: One day after it lowered its credit rating for U.S. government debt, Fitch Ratings downgraded its ratings for the Farm Credit System, and said FCS ratings “will continue to move in tandem” with U.S. sovereign debt. (Fitch)