Today’s quick hits, Aug. 28, 2024

Higher rural police-shooting rate: Rural and suburban parts of the country experience higher rates of police shooting than do urban areas but they receive less attention, says a Vanderbilt University analysis. (Axios)

Chesapeake Bay warning: States in the Chesapeake Bay watershed are “significantly off track” from their goals of reducing nutrient runoff into the bay, said the EPA, warning that it might increase its oversight of the work. (Bay Journal)

Smithfield sells former hog farm: Meat processor Smithfield Foods sold at auction 1,731 acres of farmland in north-central Missouri, formerly one of its hog farms, divided into 10 tracts, for $5.64 million, or $4.160 an acre. (DTN/Progressive Farmer)

Herbicide tolerance in Wisconsin ragweed: Research by the universities of Wisconsin and Illinois show that giant ragweed in parts of Wisconsin has developed resistance to two types of herbicides widely used on soybeans. (Illinois)