Kentucky Fake Chicken (AgWeb): KFC begins testing a plant-based chicken alternative from Beyond Meat in an Atlanta restaurant.
No Brazilian GM cows, for now (Wired): Brazil was all set to create the country’s first herd of genetically-modified dehorned cows, until a gene-editing glitch in one of the bulls doomed the project.
More workers join minimum-wage fight (Bloomberg): SEIU, the union behind the Fight for $15 campaign, has begun unionizing fast food service workers at Connecticut highway rest stops.
Another shakeup at Kraft Heinz (Wall Street Journal): The condiment and packaged food giant has a new CFO as the company attempts to recover from falling sales.
DOJ approves more cannabis research (AP): Spurred by court filing, the Justice Department said Monday it would expand the number of marijuana growers for federally-authorized cannabis research.