Today’s quick hits, Aug. 26, 2024

Seniors don’t get SNAP: Only three of 10 Americans over age 65 who are eligible for SNAP benefits are enrolled in the program, says a report from the National Council on Aging and the Urban Institute. (Axios)

‘Spectacular’ soybean crop: Farmers will harvest a record 4.74 billion bushels of soybeans this year, 3 percent more than USDA forecast earlier this month, but the corn crop will be 14.979 billion bushels, 1 percent smaller than the USDA estimate. (Farm Journal)

Surge in water violence: Researchers counted 347 incidents of water violence worldwide last year, compared to 231 in 2022, a list that includes attacks on water systems, unrest and disputes over access to water, and use of water as a weapon of war. (Pacific Institute)