Today’s quick hits, Aug. 19, 2024

Revenue squeeze in Midwest: The rapid rise of farmland prices in the Midwest has slowed to a 2 percent increase year-over-year —  the smallest gain in nearly four years — but a decline in key agricultural prices is dragging on farm revenue, say ag lenders. (Chicago Federal Reserve)

Fewer California heat inspections: From 2017 to 2023, state labor inspectors reduced by 30 percent their field inspections of heat protection laws for outdoor workers, including farmworkers, and issued 40 percent fewer citations, leading to complaints of lax enforcement of the heat-illness law. (Los Angeles Times)

Farm bill is ‘taking longer’: Work on the new farm bill “is taking a little longer than expected,” said Arkansas Sen. John Boozman, the senior Republican on the Senate Agriculture Committee, He added that “more important than just getting this done, is getting it done right” — indicating continued disagreements over elements of the bill. (Boozman)