Today’s quick hits, Aug. 16, 2024

‘Significant disruptions’ in food program: The USDA acknowledged this week that its switch to a single distributor for the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations led to “significant disruptions” and inadequate supplies for the 50,000 people in the program. (Buffalo’s Fire)

Grapevine insurance expands: Grapevine insurance against threats such as freeze, fire, hail, and floods will be available in all grape-growing counties in California in 2025, an increase of 29 counties from this year, and it will be available on younger vines, said the Risk Management Agency. (USDA)

Food aid needs soar: More than 30 million people across Southern Africa will need food aid through March 2025 due to the continuing impact of El Niño droughts that led to below-normal harvests and high food prices, said the Famine Early Warning Systems Network. (FEWSNET)

SUSTAINS Act comments sought: Public comments will be accepted through Sept. 16 on how to implement the SUSTAINS Act, short for Sponsoring USDA Sustainability Targets in Agriculture to Incentivize Natural Solutions Act, which allows private contributions to support USDA conservation programs. (NRCS)