Today’s quick hits, Aug. 15, 2023

Montana youth win climate case: In a case brought by young environmental activists, Montana state judge Kathy Seeley ruled the state unconstitutionally failed to consider the impact on the environment when it considers requests for fossil fuel development. (Associated Press)

Disaster flexibilities in Northeast: The USDA said it will implement flexibilities for farmers in the U.S. Northeast in its commodity support, disaster relief, and land stewardship programs. (USDA)

Wild rice in peril: Climate change is causing more rainfall and flooding in the Upper Midwest and jeopardizing the survival of wild rice, which grows best in shallow water. (Sahan Journal)

Court backs bumble bee: U.S. district judge Amy Berman Jackson ruled the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service “did not set forth a reasoned basis” for refusing in 2020 to designate critical habitat for the endangered rusty patched bumble bee and told the agency to reconsider. (Center for Biological Diversity)

Soybean crop condition improves: With the corn and soybean crops in their reproductive stages, the weekly Crop Progress report said 59 percent of soybeans were in good or excellent condition, 5 points better than last week; 59 percent of corn was rated as good or excellent, a 2-point improvement. (USDA)