Today’s quick hits, Aug. 14, 2024

Too poor for protection: The National Risk Index, used by FEMA to decide how much money communities should get to prepare for natural disasters, is biased against poor rural areas because it’s based on the dollar value of assets at risk, say analysts. (Daily Yonder)

Cultivated meat ban challenged: Upside Foods and a public interest law firm filed suit in U.S. district court in Florida to overturn a state law forbidding the production, distribution, and sale of cultivated meat. (Institute for Justice)

Tracking landowners: Fourteen senators prodded the USDA to create an electronic database for tracking foreign ownership of U.S. farmland, as directed by Congress in 2023, but the USDA says lawmakers haven’t provided the money to do so. (DTN/Progressive Farmer)

Colorado River negotiations: Four states in the Colorado River basin are negotiating with the federal government for a conservation credit program that would recognize their work in reducing water demand and could include storing some of the conserved water for local use. (Colorado Sun)

Climate solutions help: The USDA is seeking nominations for the Growing Climate Solutions Act advisory council, which would help farmers participate in carbon markets by connecting them with technical assistance providers and third-party verifiers. (USDA)