Today’s quick hits, Aug. 12, 2021

Pandemic hunger plunges: The U.S. hunger rate has dropped sharply, to 8.2 percent, since early July, nearly tying April for the lowest rate since the start of the pandemic, likely due to job growth, the child tax credit, and nutrition assistance. (U.S. Census Bureau)

Half the farms: Arkansas has half as many poultry farms as it did four decades ago, before the emergence of Springdale-based Tyson Foods as the largest U.S. poultry processor and before large-scale consolidation in the industry. (Union of Concerned Scientists)

Rising prices: Cattle prices are heading upward, enabling ranchers to snare some of the profits from strong U.S. demand for beef, said analysts at the Cattle Industry Convention. (DTN/Progressive Farmer)

Fewer food bank fees: Thanks to donations during the pandemic, an increasing number of food banks are eliminating the fees they charge food pantries to defray the costs of transporting, handling, and storing donated food. (Food Bank News)

Skirting manure disclosures: Large dairy farms in New York have switched to a state permit that does not require public disclosure of their manure management plans, thwarting a court ruling that was expected to allow public review under federal pollution law. (American Prospect and New York Focus)