Today’s quick hits, April 17, 2024

Restore surveys, says AFBF: The largest U.S. farm group, the American Farm Bureau Federation, asked the USDA to reverse its decision — due to funding shortages — to terminate county-level estimates of crops and livestock, a semi-annual Cattle inventory report, and a cotton yield survey. (AFBF)

Khan at fertilizer meeting: FTC chair Lina Khan will join state legislators and farm groups on Saturday to hear their objections to the proposed $3.6 billion purchase of Iowa Fertilizer Co. by Koch Industries, one of the largest U.S. companies. (Scholten)

Supreme Court rules for rancher: Texas rancher Richie DeVillier may seek compensation from the state of Texas for flooding that he says is the result of work on nearby Interstate 10, ruled the Supreme Court; the state wanted the lawsuit dismissed. (Texas Tribune)

U.S. opposes Brazil tariff: U.S. trade representative Katherine Tai said her office is pushing for Brazil to remove its 18 percent tariff on imports of U.S. ethanol; there is no duty on Brazilian ethanol entering the United States. (FarmWeek Now)