Today’s quick hits, April 14, 2020

States challenge public charge rule (NY AG): A coalition lead by New York state asked the Supreme Court to reverse itself and block implementation of the Trump administration’s “public charge” rule during the coronarvirus public health emergency. The rule threatens applicants’ eligibility for green cards and visa renewals, if they seek health benefits.

PETA asks for humane chicken ‘depopulating’ (FERN’s Ag Insider): People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals called on poultry company Allen Harim to use humane methods to slaughter 2 million chickens that it doesn’t have capacity to process. FERN reported on Monday that the company’s processing plant is working at 50 percent capacity due to Covid-19-related worker absences.

Rhode Island gets P-EBT (USDA): Rhode Island is the second state with USDA approval to operate a Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer program to deliver assistance to low-income families whose children lost access to free or reduced-price meals because of school closures.

Coronavirus at Cargill plant (KUNC): A spokesman says new safety protocols were adopted at a Cargill plant in Fort Morgan in northern Colorado and the plant remains in operation after some employees tested positive for the coronavirus.

Rural resource guide for Covid-19 (USDA): USDA posted an eight-page guide for rural communities seeking federal assistance with the coronavirus pandemic.

Lower wages sought for guest workers (NPR): White House chief of staff Mark Meadows and Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue are working together to try to reduce the wages that farmers must pay seasonal guest workers during the coronavirus pandemic.