Today’s quick hit, Aug. 23, 2024

Canada intervenes in rail shutdown: Labor Minister Steve MacKinnon sent a contract dispute between unionized workers and Canada’s two largest railroads to binding arbitration and said trains could begin rolling “within days” after a one-day lockout. (CBC News)

Setback for Summit pipeline: In a victory for landowners who oppose a proposed carbon dioxide pipeline, the South Dakota Supreme Court overturned a lower court decision giving Summit Carbon Solutions the power of eminent domain to build the pipeline. (South Dakota Public Broadcasting)

Drought cuts crayfish catch: Crayfish prices are soaring in Louisiana this year because last year’s drought dried up the muddy habitat in swamps and fields where crayfish reproduce. With climate change, the long-term survival of the industry is in question. (Ambrook Research)

Idle or plant?: Although most landowners whose applications for the Conservation Reserve are rejected keep their fields in production, some choose to use the “continuous enrollment” option to get environmentally sensitive land into the program. (USDA)