‘By the time I finish,’ barriers to U.S. ag exports will be down, Trump says

President Trump told American farmers on Monday, "By the time I finish trade talks," China, Canada and Mexico, the three largest customers for U.S. farm exports, will remove trade barriers to American products. The president issued the assurances on social media after inconclusive talks with China over the weekend and three days after he said he was open to separate trade deals with Mexico and Canada instead of an updated NAFTA.
Deadline to reply to Census of Agriculture looms, says USDA
Last winter, the USDA gave balky farmers and ranchers five additional months to fill out their Census of Agriculture forms because of a lower than desired response rate. The last chance to participate is arriving for the census that provides the most comprehensive picture of the farm sector, said the USDA on Monday.
Monsanto name left on dust heap of history
When Bayer completes its $63 billion purchase of Monsanto, which is expected to occur on Thursday, the world's largest seed and agricultural company will be named Bayer, announced the giant German company on Monday, ending speculation on the new corporate identify. "Monsanto will no longer be a company name."
Toiling to get to go on a farm bill that’s status quo

The leaders of the Senate Agriculture Committee are treading a surprisingly tortuous path to a bipartisan farm bill that would make no major changes in food stamps, farm supports or crop insurance. They are expected to unveil their package this month, a major advance toward enacting a farm bill before the 2014 law expires on Sept. 30.
Signup starts today for high-priority land-stewardship projects
The USDA says there is now enough room in the Conservation Reserve that, for the first time in months, it will accept applications for high-priority stewardship projects, such as filter strips, that prevent erosion and maintain water quality on fragile land. Enrollment runs from today through Aug. 17 for the practices, which require comparatively small amounts of land.
A Democrat appeals to conservative Republicans in farm country
In the heart of Iowa's rural 4th district, Democratic hopeful J.D. Scholten is making a bid for conservative Republican Steve King's congressional seat, appealing to farmer interests to win support for his campaign, according to FERN's latest story, by Brian Barth, produced in collaboration with Mother Jones. <strong>(No paywall)</strong>
Put out the fire, farm groups say as trade turmoil flares

One-third of U.S. agricultural trade flows through Canada and Mexico, and both nations quickly vowed tit-for-tat tariffs on U.S. food and ag products after President Trump announced duties on steel and aluminum from the North American neighbors on Thursday.
USDA forecasts second-best year ever for ag exports
Stronger prices and rising demand for U.S. farm exports will propel sales to $142.5 billion for the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, said the USDA on Thursday. It would be the second-highest export total ever.
Drought eases in central Plains, worsens in the north
Widespread rainfall in northwestern Kansas eased arid conditions in the No. 1 winter wheat state as this year’s crop nears maturity, said the weekly Drought Monitor. Still, some 69 percent of Kansas remains in drought.
Roberts’ farm bill goals: Senate vote in mid-June, no hair on fire

The Senate could vote on the $87 billion-a-year farm bill in mid-June, but the legislation won’t repeat the House’s attempt at major SNAP reform, said Agriculture Committee chairman Pat Roberts on Wednesday.
Argentina imports U.S. soybeans, a first in more than two decades
In the agricultural equivalent of coals to Newcastle, the No. 3 soybean grower in the world, Argentina, is buying soybeans from one of its major competitors, the United States, because of drought damage to its own crop.
Pork leads increase in U.S. meat production
U.S. red meat and poultry production will climb by 2.3 billion pounds in 2019 from this year’s level, says the first USDA forecasts of meat production for the coming year. Pork output will be up by nearly 3 percent, to 28 billion pounds.
Hog farmers count losses as White House raps China on trade

DOJ approves Bayer’s acquisition of Monsanto

The Department of Justice on Tuesday approved Bayer’s $66 billion acquisition of Monsanto, completing a two-year approval process for the mega-merger that spanned several countries. The combined company will be the largest agrochemical and seed company in the world with about $48 billion in annual sales.
More than half of meat and fish producers deemed ‘high risk’ for investors
An analysis of 60 global meat and fish producers found that 36 companies worth $136 billion were a "high risk" for investors, because they failed to address a range of sustainability issues including greenhouse gas emissions, animal welfare, antibiotics use, worker conditions, and food safety, said the Farm Animal Investment Risk & Return (FAIRR) Initiative.
Sustained drop in ag R&D in wealthy nations
Agriculture research traditionally is the fuel for higher farm productivity, which indirectly benefits consumers. Two USDA economists say that in high-income countries, such as the United States, France and Australia, spending on agricultural research and development is seeing its first sustained drop in half a century, with implications for future farm output.
EPA is challenged on small refiner exemption
A coalition of ethanol and farm groups sued the EPA in federal appeals court on Tuesday over its system of granting "hardship" waivers from the Renewable Fuel Standard to small-volume refineries. The lawsuit challenges three exemptions "made under unusually clandestine proceedings" to refineries in Oklahoma, Wyoming and Utah.
Trump’s sky-high target of ag trade with China

President Trump is aiming remarkably high with his goal, relayed by Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue, of a $25 billion increase farm sales to China, already the largest customer for U.S. ag exports. Not only is $25 billion more than double what China is expected to purchase this year, it is equal to 18 percent  of the forecast for total U.S. farm exports this year.
Grocery prices stand still, tamping down food inflation
Retail food prices are living up to USDA's four-month-old forecast of tepid food inflation, with a barely preceptable increase of 1 percent. In its monthly Food Price Outlook, the USDA said the inflation outlook held steady for all categories of food except for dairy products, which declined to 0.5 percent for the year.
Senate panel again calls for FDA labeling of GMO salmon
The Senate Appropriations Committee approved a $145 billion USDA-FDA funding bill on Thursday that would extend a ban on the sale of genetically modified salmon until the FDA requires special labels on the fish.