Editor’s Desk: FERN’s Essential Stories of 2018

Every day we produce journalism that matters—stories that elevate transparency, offer insight, and resonate with readers like you.

Our work is essential to understanding the food we eat — from the people who produce it to its impact on communities, politics and the environment. Without FERN’s efforts, many of these stories would go untold and unnoticed. Because of our sharp and consistent focus, we rise above the noise. What we do is fundamental to nurturing a better-informed public and a healthy democracy. But it isn’t possible without your support.

That’s why, starting next week, we’re participating in NewsMatch, the largest grassroots campaign for nonprofit news organizations. This annual matching-gift campaign helps newsrooms like ours raise funds so we can do our work.

Work like these recent pieces:

Before NewsMatch begins on November 1, take a look at our stories, see how this work resonates with you. And let us know what you think.

Best regards,
Sam Fromartz
The Food & Environment Reporting Network

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