World Bank cuts funds for ag-research network

The World Bank has reduced by $20 million its annual funding for a global agricultural research network that it helped found 35 years ago, says the Hagstrom Report. The new budget of the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) is $30 million, and is guaranteed for three years. The Bank originally wanted to phase out funding altogether, said the newsletter, but changed its mind after protests by an array of U.S. groups including leaders of the Senate Agriculture Committee. Agricultural research leaders say the Bank is wrong-footed to curtail support when hunger remains a global issue and the world population is forecast to top 9 billion by mid-century.

In a recent publication, CGIAR describes the Bank as a pillar of its organization, “serving as a cosponsor and playing a pivotal role in CGIAR governance and financial stability.” The network has 15 research centers specializing in topics from rice and potatoes to livestock. Besides the World Bank, CGIAR receives funding from foundations, international organizations and member countries.

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